Brook Church

3215 MLK Blvd Anderson, SC | Sundays @ 11:00am
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Sunday Services

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About Us

The Brook Church is a small church with a BIG vision.  We believe people are hungry for real spiritual truths and principles that can only be found in the Bible.  By teaching and preaching, we provide people a way to satisfy the inner needs of a persons heart and mind.  Without apology we present Jesus as the only way of salvation.  Once a person has experienced the joy of a new life through Christ, we encourage them to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  Come and see and hear for yourself.  We promise that you will not be disappointed.  The membership testimonials below speak more about what we are.  And you can also, by faith, have a great story to tell!


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Have Kids?

The Brook Church is kid friendly.  We have a nursery for babies and a children’s church for juniors and teens.  Youth activities are scheduled on a regular basis.

Get Connected

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Service Times

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Our Mission & Vision

At the Brook Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith in Christ

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Latest Message

Quisque velit nisi, pretium ut lacinia

October 29, 2018: Pellentesque Ipsum Id Orci Dapibus.